Movie Review: Peppa Pig: My First Cinema Experience
OK - Master 6 is perhaps a touch old for Peppa Pig and definitely already been to the cinema at least once before. When I won a family pass for the new Peppa Pig movie, his initial reaction was 'BORING'. However, when I suggested that if that were the case we might like to give it away, his tune changed mighty fast!
He picked a friend to take along, I (hesitantly, at first!) sorted the logistics and so, last Sunday,we headed off to the cinema. First thing (well, 11am) on a Sunday morning is a GREAT time to go to the movies - easy to park and no one around! I think there were about 4 other people in our cinema.
Peppa Pig: My First Cinema Experience is actually 4 all-new (yes, Andy - ALL NEW - you haven't seen any of them before!) episodes. Peppa and family visit Kylie Kangaroo, meet a koala, surf etc etc. No departure from the usual Peppa script there!
For some reason, someone decided that the episodes needed stitching together (for want of a better phrase) by introducing some live action. So as the film opens, we meet Daisy - Peppa's human friend - who, along with puppets of Peppa and George - invites the audience to sing and shout and join in. It was unbelievably saccharine and because the cinema was empty, the interactive element totally fell flat. While I was cringing and wishing they'd just get on with the animation, the two six year olds were cheerfully shouting and fidgeting away.
Despite the incongruity of people and puppets, the Peppa episodes are exactly what you'd expect, so Peppa fans will be happy.
At the end of the show, I asked Master 6 what his favourite part had been. You wouldn't believe it. It was the live action parts. 'Because it was something new and different and I haven't seen it before'.
So that just goes to show why I don't work in children's programming!
Recommended for: well, apparently six year old boys will enjoy this movie if you can get them there. It's undoubtedly aimed at a slightly younger set and I think children of all ages will enjoy it more if it's a busy cinema!
Thanks to Westfield Marion for running the competition.
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